New backlog JQL filters for Jira Software

Versions & Epics panels JQL filtering for Jira Backlog

As part of our latest Agile Board Filter 2.5 release we've added the following filters:

Improve your backlog management.

Epics & Versions panels include now:

JQL features

  • JQL filtering including a JQL editor + JQL autocomplete
  • Lock Epics & Versions panels JQL filtering to main filtering bar - use basic view drop-downs to filter panels
  • Filters can be saved as private (only visible to creator) or shared types. You can load them from your predefined filters list.
  • Run JQL search directly on epics or on issues liked to epics - for example you can find epics using component1 or restrict the epics panel by finding issues using component 1 which are linked to epic panel

Live filtering

  • Live text search - by project key, version or epic name or epic key
  • Predefined filters: EmptyNon-emptyCompletedUncompletedEstimatedUnestimated.
  • Predefined filters are "intelligent". For example you'll be able to select Empty & non-empty and restrict the result to estimated epics. They will not exclude each other as Quick filters would do.
  • Sync Epics & Versions panels to visible issues from the backlog - for example use a Quick Filter to show bugs and the panel list will show Versions related to visible bug tickets.
  • Filter by MIN - MAX estimate - to find overestimated, underestimated versions or epics - works with any estimation statistic, and accept time format for example 2d 3h

New options:

  • By default filtered out items will be hidden - navigating through the version list will hide filtered out Epics to simplify navigation. Any other filtering will hide filtered out items the same way. Both panels have a Show filtered out items options to restore the original behaviour.
  • Show epics directly linked to a selected version - if an Epic is directly linked to a version it will not be filtered out (hidden) from the epics panel list. That is useful if you assign epics to versions.
  • Show workflow label on the Epics panel to see which epics are in Done status. Such epics could be easily identified and Marked as Done or reopened if some issues are still in progress. 
  • Show version label - this label will allow to identify Epics directly linked to a version.

For more info check out the release details here.

Right now our app brings more than 25 unique features to every kanban and scrum board.

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