Manage complex Backlogs and Agile Boards with simple filters and advanced planning tools

More than 25 features new features on your Scrum & Kanban boards

Board features

User friendly Search Bar for Board & Backlog

Use the graphical Search Bar, and forget about Quick Filters. The board can be filtered dynamically using dropdowns in basic mode or JQL in advanced mode.  Search queries can be saved as Private Filters.

JQL filtering for advanced users

The advance mode allows you to use JQL queries directly on the board and backlog. The editor fully supports JQL validation, auto-completion and wildcards.

Adjustable card size

When the horizontal scroll is enabled you can adjust the minimum column width. All cards will be resized to selected size.

Bulk Change by swimlane

You can filter the board and update visible tasks directly from the board in a single click. Additionally you will be able to select swim-lanes to be included in the bulk operation if swimlanes are build using JQL.

Customisable search bar fields

Customise the search bar by selecting default filtering fields. You can apply default fields configuration to all boards globally or customise just a single board.

Improved board loading time

Filtering will reduce the number of issues displayed on the board or backlog. This will speed up the overall board perfomance. The next time you enter a filtered board, it will be loaded up to 90% faster.




Backlog features

Quick Epics filtering using live search

Use the live search input for fast text search, using project key, name or issue key. You can use the pipe character " | " to  search for multiple list items.  For example "1.8|1.9|epic123".

JQL filtering on Epics

Find epics or versions using a component or label. Filter Epics & Versions panels using the main search bar or JQL statements.

Filters can be saved using the Save as... option and loaded from the filter list.

Global or private planning session filters

JQL search queries can be saved as private (visible only to the creator) or shared filters. For example, you can put your epics or versions into groups or a Scrum Master can prepare filters for the planning session.

Using the Filter Manager tool, you can export your Epics panel filters to any other backlog.

Pre-defined Epic filters

Predefined Epic & Versions panels filters including: EmptyNon-emptyCompletedUncompletedEstimatedUnestimated.

Filters are "intelligent". For example, you can select Empty and Non-empty filter at the same time and they will not exclude each other as Quick filters would do.

Additionally filters are persistent. After the board is refreshed, filters will be automatically loaded.

Status labels and warnings

Show workflow status label on the Epics panel to see which epics are in Done status. Such epics could be easily identified and Marked as Done or reopened if some issues are still in progress.  

Show version label option will identify Epics directly linked to a version.

Hide filtered out epics or versions

To simplify Epic & Versions panels navigation, filtered list items will be hidden by default. Both panels have a Show filtered... option to show the filtered list items again.


User & global board filters

Private "Quick Filters" for board & backlog

Any board user can create a set of his own private board or backlog filters. You can separate filters into planning, reporting and board filters. You can load them from the list located on the main search bar. Advanced filter management is available under the Filter Manager  tool.

"Save as" filter functionality from the Issue Search screen

Create private, shared or Quick Filters using a simple Save as dialog.

The dialog uses standard Jira permissions that's why only the board administrator can create shared or Quick Filters.

Advanced filter manager

The Agile Board Filter comes with an advanced filter manager.

It supports Jira and all new filter types:

  • Private & shared board filters
  • Private & shared backlog filters
  • Private & shared epics panel filters
  • Private & shared versions panel filters
  • Quick Filters
  • Favourite Jira filters

Copy, re-order, update, import, export or delete a filter. Use the manager to copy filters between boards.


  • Quick Filters can be only managed by Board Administrator
  • Shared Filters can be only managed by the Board Administrator
  • Favourite JIRA filters can be only imported as private, shared or Quick Filters
Turn private filters into Quick Filters

Private filters allow you to reduce the number of Quick Filters on the board. You can use the Filter Manager to copy existing Quick Filters into private or shared filters.

Import & export filters between boards

Advanced users can export any filters using JSON text format and import them to new boards. That way, Quick Filters can be copied between boards or even Jira instances.


Advanced tools

Find unprinted cards while using Agile Cards by Spartez

Save a lot of time & paper.

A new "unprinted" button will appear on the top of the board or backlog. It can be used to identify cards which have not been printed by the Agile Cards plugin yet.

Enable or disable Search Bar on selected boards

The  board administrator can enable or disable the search bar on selected boards. It is useful for small projects which don't require such powerful search features.

Disable Quick Filters bar

Gain more screen space on your board and backlog by disabling Quick Filters.

Advanced global & board configuration

Configuration can be set for all boards globally or individually per board. Each team can customise the way they want to use a board.

Board configuration will always overwrite global settings.

You'll be able to:

  • Disable search bar or quick filters
  • Customise search bar features
  • Customise search bar fields
  • Apply screen layout optimisation


  • What a fantastic idea and implementation!
    – Justin Leader @ HyperVelocity Consulting
  • Very useful and time saving add on. Great job! We can’t work without it now!
    – Michał Mazgaj @ frameLOGIC
How much will your company save?
50 users
250 users
2000 users

No. of Jira users

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Active Jira Users %

Users using Jira on daily basis [%]

Planning meeting occurrence

How often do you plan?

Planning meeting length

Average session length?

Daily Jira usage time

Normal Jira use [5 min - 60 min]

Employee MD cost

Average Jira user man day cost [$]

No. of Scrum Masters\PMs

Choose the number [1 - 100]

SM\PM daily Jira usage

[10 min - 120 min]

SM\PM reporting time

Time spent to prepare reports [h]

Reporting occurrence

How often do you prepare reports?
Normal Jira costs (in Man Days) Jira + Agile Tools and Filters (Assuming 15% saved time) Potential savings (day) Potential savings (month) Potential savings (year - 11 effective months)
Planning meeting
Potential savings 45 000 $ / year

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Getting things done faster means mass savings to every company.